Kenya Land Alliance

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Land and Governance, Women and Land Rights

A Critical Analysis of the Report of the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya: Sampled Reactions
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The recently released Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya report has sparked varying reactions from Kenyans of all walks of life. While some complain that the Commission did not complete its task per all its terms of reference, the land gurus are thrilled by the fact that the report makes many far reaching recommendations on the principles of formulating a National Land Policy Framework and the Constitutional Framework for Land Administration and Management.

While reminding everyone of the numerous steps involved in the development of a National Land Policy, Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) notes that the release of the ‘Njonjo Commission’ report marks the crucial second stage of the National Land policy development process which involves debating of the report.


Chapter Eleven of The Kenya Draft Constitution Bill at Close Scrutiny
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It is significant that for the first time land is specifically recognized as a constitutional category in the Draft Constitution Bill. This is important because it gives the issue of land the level of visibility that is always associated with constitutional matters, and unlike other ordinary legislation, a Constitution can only be amended by a special majority. The chapter that deals with land in the Draft Constitution Bill is Chapter Eleven under the title Land and Property.


The Draft National Land Policy: A Step towards Land Reforms
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Through this Land Update, KLA appreciates that for the first time in the history of Kenya a comprehensive Draft National Land Policy has been formulated.We therefore urge all Kenyans and the general public to read, debate and contribute to the finalization of the National Land Policy.

The National Land Policy will provide the basis for the review and harmonization of the existing laws and enacting of new ones to facilitate the achievement of the objectives set out in the overall national development policy framework, Kenya Vision 2030.


Relevance of the World Social Forum to the Kenyan Situation
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The World Social Forum in Nairobi in January 2007 was a timely New Year rallying event for Kenyans to revisit the fundamental principles for building a democratic and sustainable society as we prepare for December 2007 elections.The current organizing principles of the institutions that govern us in Kenya are narrow and serve a few at the expense of the many millions of Kenyans that live in abject poverty.

Yet, from all corners of the country, it is acknowledged that it is within our collective ability to create a healthy and sustainable society that serves and work for all.


Land Mali Umma
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For a long time the issue of land and related problems has been debated mostly by academicians, politicians and professionals. Although the problem has remained more or less one of the most talked of in Kenya, the public has very often been left out of the debate. Again mostly the debate has been dominated more by complaining about either the lack of policy or the bad land policies and laws and the failure by successive governments to correct those problems. It is not very common that you find people coming up with concrete suggestions on what needs to be put into place to replace existing laws and or policies


Land, Environment and Natural Resources Submission to the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission From Kenya Land Alliance
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The Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) is a focal point for information sharing and networking among those pressing for land reform in Kenya. It was formed in 1999 by members of civil society to propose reforms both to the Commission on the Review of Land Laws, appointed by the President, and the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission, appointed by Parliament. Over the last two years, the KLA has coordinated a programme of research on land issues in Kenya by member organisations


The National Land Policy in Kenya Critical Public Land Issues and Policy Statements
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The National Land Policy in Kenya:

Critical Public Land Issues and Policy Statements is a guide to steer the debate and eventual formulation of a National Land Policy and legislative framework that will address issues of management and administration of public land in Kenya. The Issues Paper aims to fill-in the gaps in the debate of handling public land management and administration for the good of the present and future generations. It equally provides the general citizenry and specifically stakeholders in the National Land Policy Formulation process with a checklist of areas of concern about public land that need to be addressed


The National Land Policy in Kenya Addressing Historical Injustices
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The Historical Injustices Issues Paper seeks to present the various historical land claims issues and perspective related to them and consequently proffer policy statements for their redress.

In this Paper, Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) has tried to integrate information, issues and perspectives in relation to what was presented to the Constitution of Kenya Review Commission (CKRC), the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Land Law System of Kenya and at the Civil Society National Conference on Land Reform together with the ongoing debate on historical injustices


Institutional Framework for Land Administration and Management in Kenya
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Institutional framework for land administration and management is a set of services that make the land tenure system within Kenya socially, ecologically and economically relevant and operational.


Righting The Wrongs: Historical Injustices and Land Reforms in Kenya
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Kenya inherited a highly skewed system of land ownership at independence in 1963. British colonialism in Kenya was not merely administrative. It was accompanied by massive and widespread land alienation for the benefit of settler agriculture. As a result, the best agricultural land-the White Highlands-and the adjacent rangelands were taken from the Africans, without compensation, and parceled out to white settlers. Colonial legislation was enacted to legalize this process. As a result, whole communities lost valuable land that they had occupied over generations.