Phone no: +254 731 282 207 or email us: [email protected]
Who We Are
The Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) is a Not-for-Profit and Non-Partisan umbrella network of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), International NGOs, local NGOs, members of the academia and individuals working on or committed to working on land governance.
Through effective advocacy, we are committed to contributing to the progressive implementation of reform of policies and laws governing land in Kenya. The KLA was founded in 1999 by a group of Non-State Land Stakeholders (NSLS) to promote a society in which all people are assured of sustainable livelihoods through secure and equitable access to, and utilization of, land and natural resources.
The organization was founded as a Trust until July 2013 when it was registered as an NGO under the NGO Coordination Act (No. 19 of 1990). Since its founding, the KLA has grown to a membership organization comprising of 71 organizations. The KLA fosters land rights in Kenya through mobilizing duty-bearers as well as non-state actors and community members for the realization of natural resource rights through effective implementation of policies and laws governing the land sector.
The KLA Members have different but complementary experiences and strengths. The KLA and its land sector network are committed to building a vibrant partnership to deliver on the land rights agenda in Kenya. The KLA fully appreciates that Kenya’s devolved system of governance under the Constitution of Kenya (2010), provides a platform and opportunity for building a strong and self- sustaining impact-oriented land network across the 47 Counties. Working closely with County-based member organizations allows the KLA to keep abreast with County level priorities within communities.
In addition to our established member-partners and networks at both the sub-national, the national and the international levels, many actors outside the KLA share in, and are strong supporters of our Vision and Mission.
Our key allies include civil society networks, media and opinion leaders, policy-makers, implementers, human rights institutions and private sector actors. The support we continue to receive is predicated on the KLA’s earned and well-deserved niche, shaped over the decades, through our contribution to land governance matters in Kenya and beyond.
To secure land justice for sustainable development in Kenya through partnership building and advocacy.
Equitable & effective land governance and secure land rights for all.
Advance land justice and security of tenure while mobilizing State and non-State actors and community at large towards the development and full implementation of land governance laws and policies.