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Under this thematic area, Kenya Land Alliance focuses on delivering equitable land governance that is inclusive and just, where duty bearers are held to account by the right holders.
This thematic area champions for equitable and inclusive land governance, where all stakeholders, especially communities, have a voice and are empowered to hold duty bearers accountable. It advocates for the establishment of structures, legislation and functional systems where justice is not just a principle, but a practice that reflects the rights and needs of all.
Beyond governance and land laws, our focus extends to strengthening the capacity and awareness of local communities, indigenous peoples, youth, women, persons with disabilities, and other marginalized groups. By elevating their roles and ensuring their active participation, we aim to foster a more accountable, transparent, and rule-of-law-driven approach to land governance. It is only through this collective effort that we can create a future where land rights are respected and upheld.
Our Interventions
The Kenya Land Alliance (KLA) is committed to advancing land governance and addressing land-related challenges through a series of strategic interventions. The KLA advocates for the full implementation of existing land policies and laws, working closely with stakeholders such as the National Land Commission (NLC) and County Governments. A key focus is the establishment of Community Land Management Committees (CLMCs), as outlined in the Community Land Act of 2016, to empower communities to manage their land resources effectively.
One of our priorities is exposing and combating corruption within the land sector. The KLA utilizes public petitions, Public Interest Litigation (PIL), processions and legal aid empowerment forums to hold relevant authorities accountable. The organization remains dedicated to ensuring land justice for marginalized groups—particularly women, youth, and vulnerable ethnic communities—by protecting their land rights and preventing disinheritance or discrimination. This also includes addressing the growing trend of land grabs associated with carbon credits trading, which often result in the displacement of vulnerable populations.
The KLA also advocates for secure land rights for the urban poor, particularly those living in informal settlements. These communities often face illegal evictions to make way for infrastructure projects, violating national and international guidelines on forced evictions. Through collaboration with local partners, the KLA aims to uphold the land rights of these individuals and protect their dignity in the face of displacement.
Further, the KLA is actively working to address land grabs linked to large-scale private conservancies in Northern Kenya. By working with local communities, the KLA intends to audit land lease agreements to ensure that they benefit the entire community, including women, youth, and persons with disabilities (PWDs). The KLA will also engage with conservancy owners to ensure access to critical resources like water and pasture, particularly during dry seasons, and address issues of human rights violations and human-wildlife conflict.
Finally, the KLA’s land governance work includes securing remedies for human rights violations reported in large-scale plantation farms such as Kakuzi in Murang’a county, Delmonte Kiambu county, and Unilever tea farms in Kericho county. Working with stakeholders and the Office of the Attorney General, the KLA aims to ensure accountability and promote the human rights framework of 'respect, protect, and remedy,' as outlined in Kenya's National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
The promotion of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms is essential for communities to access justice and secure land tenure, particularly in large-scale mining contexts. In Kenya, land governance in mining operations spans both surface and offshore areas within the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). Disputes over land access have hindered exploration and mineral development, deterring investment. The Kenya Land Alliance (KLA), in partnership with relevant stakeholders, promotes mediation to resolve conflicts and minimize disputes among competing interests.
Additionally, the KLA advocates for an enabling environment that fosters increased public/ local participation in the natural resources sector. Large-scale mining operations in Kenya are predominantly controlled by foreign entities, due to the industry's complexities and the significant capital investments required. The KLA empowers local communities, enhancing their capacity to engage in mining activities within their regions and negotiate better terms in community development agreements (CDAs). These negotiations will aim to ensure a fair, tripartite relationship that supports justice for all stakeholders.
The KLA advocates for preferential sourcing of local goods and services in line with the Local Content policies. Local participation has been limited by a lack of financial and technical capacity, as well as insufficient policy frameworks for local content and value-chain involvement. The KLA pushes for stronger inclusion of local communities in mining, including targeted employment for skills transfer and the sourcing of local goods and services. Special attention will be given to women and youth to enhance local economic development.
The KLA aims to advance land governance, particularly for minority and marginalized groups, by leveraging technology and data-driven advocacy. By partnering with key stakeholders, the organization has established knowledge-driven land advocacy centers and information hubs in its operational areas across the country. Through collaborations with duty-bearers and partner organizations, the KLA will continue to support the improvement of livelihoods for minorities and marginalized groups by advocating for equitable access to land and sustainable natural resource management. The KLA will maintain its leadership role in land governance, facilitating both online and offline discussions focused on land issues, supported by high-level data management and coordination.
The KLA will focus on capacity-building for effective advocacy on climate justice and financing. Through expert-led training in places like Trans-Nzoia county, the KLA equips its members and leadership to engage in global climate change discourses, particularly those arising from COP meetings. The organization creates awareness around the benefits of carbon-credit trading for marginalized communities and land rights holders.
The KLA empowers local communities to advocate for accountability in climate financing. By strengthening partnerships with key stakeholders, KLA supports community-led climate resilience initiatives, ensuring that funds from climate change financing are used effectively to promote local adaptation measures.